
What Choice Has Johnny Made In The Outsiders

Satisfactory Essays

In the novel, The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton, Johnny made a choice that ultimately drove the plot. Johnny made a big choice when he decided to kill one of the Socs to protect ponyboy. There are some reasons Johnny made that choice as shown in the text when he says “ I had to, they were drowning you pony”[Hinton 56]. Ponyboy was extremely grateful that Johnny did that but he was also very nervous because people were going to find out that one of the gang members from Socs has been killed. If Johnny didn’t make that sacrifice then Ponyboy would have probably not have made it as Johnny explains in the text when he says, “They might have killed you”[Hinton 56]. Ponyboy was more focused on what they were gonna do to cover everything up instead of

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