
What Determines Success And Greatness?

Decent Essays

Life presents all with triumphs, challenges, and tragedies; it rains on the blameless as well as the corrupt, I have read. What determines success and greatness is not the experiences themselves, but how one chooses to internalize and use those experiences. When asked if I believe where I come from has influenced where I am going and the unique way I see the world, I emphatically respond, “Yes!” I wholeheartedly believe my life’s background and up-bringing, family, and experiences, have all played a major role in who I am today as well as who I am determined to be as my future approaches.
Growing up in a small rural town in Douglas, Georgia one would think I would have a pretty ordinary, “Mayberry” upbringing, but this is far from true. My life started out simple; my mother and father were married and doing the best they could to raise my siblings and I. Marrying young, however, did present some marital challenges that soon caused the two of them to drift apart. The loving start soon turned into arguments and tussles, which then lead to affairs and separation. During their separation, my mother was shot and killed by her adulterer and my father never fully recovered. I was only 3 years old at the time. Turning to alcohol and later drugs, my father was no longer able to care for my sisters and me, so we were split up. Like most small towns, everyone knows everyone – most knew our tragic beginning and quite naturally predicted our ghastly ending.
My grandmother received

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