
What Does Blood Symbolize In Macbeth

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Shakespeare’s use of symbolism is shown to have a powerful and effective roll on the audience. Not only is symbolism used by Shakespeare, but by many different people worldwide. As Alfred Whitehead once said, “Symbolism is no mere idle fancy or corrupt egerneration: It is inherent in the very texture of human life.” Blood is the most important example of symbolism that is in Macbeth, written by Sir William Shakespeare, representing violence, guilt and death.

Blood epitomizes violence in many different scenes throughout the play. Macbeth itself starts off with violence because there is a war between Scotland and Norway. This is shown when a sergeant reports to the king saying, “But the Norweyan lord, surveying vantage, with furbished arm and new supply of men began a fresh assault.” (I, ii, 33-35). This shows the violence going on in the battle; and where there is a battle there is blood (because people died by bloodshed). The play also ended with another example of blood illustrating violence when another battle occurs and Macbeth is stabbed. This event is foreshadowed by Macduff when he says, “I have no …show more content…

For example, when Macbeth murders the king, he and his wife are guilty. This is shown when Lady Macbeth says, “My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white.” (II, ii, 76-77). This substantiates that Lady Macbeth feels guilty for the murder of King Duncan because her hands are covered by blood just like her husbands. Later on in the play, Lady Macbeth becomes paranoid with guilt and it eventually leads her to her death. This is demonstrated through Lady Macbeth when she says, “Out damned spot! Out I say! ...Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?”(V, I, 30-34). This proves the fact that Lady Macbeth has gone mad and thinks that there are still blood stains on her hands, proving the guilt she feels. Thus, blood symbolizes

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