
What Does Fire Symbolize In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

To begin, the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury has three motif's fire, mirrors and objects or people being both dead and alive. These motif's show cleansing, fear and war. Also the motif's are represented by a character or shown by scenes in Fahrenheit 451. To add this book is based in a dystopian society where firemen start fires instead of putting them out. Last but not least, the book shows how people are cleansed by fear and war.

First, the motif fire in Fahrenheit 451 shows how fire can be destructive to the books to the people considered antisocial in which they fear their books being burnt. For instance" It was not burning, it was warming"(pg.139). This quote demonstrates how fire can be used to warm Montag in the book. Not only can fire be used in good ways ,but it can destroy people and their possessions. To add, the people with books fear fire- for it destroys their whole world. Further more, instead of firemen putting out fires like today, they build fires to destroy the antisocial people of this dystopian world. …show more content…

Not only this, these choices show cleansing because it makes Montag go from a burner to a non burner." Now there was only a cold river and Montag floating in a sudden peacefulness, away from the city and the lights and the chase, away from everything"(pg.133). This quote stated, above shows him floating away on the river in peace and silence. Plus he realized how corrupted the world is, and how people on;y car about themselves. Lastly, mirrors cleansed him because now he thinks for others rather that himself first and was he says before he

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