
What Does Positivist Theory Mean To Be The Cause Of Crime

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When it comes to criminal behavior, there is no shortage of opinions among American citizens. News articles, media outlets, politicians, relatives, and friends all offer opinions on the causes of crime. More often than not, these opinionated sources identify one particular factor, such as drugs, based on their speculation, to be the cause of crime. However, scientific studies also known as theories, have been conducted to explain in a logical and clear manner, how people’s speculations or common sense factors relate to crime. Simply put, a theory is nothing more than a set of principles or statements that attempt to explain how concepts are related. When theory is combined with crime, the result is criminology and the statements explain how …show more content…

This theory developed throughout an era of social and political turmoil. As an outcome, positivist theorists were concerned with the sociological, psychological and biological causes of crime. Positivist theorists recognized that offenders expressed abnormal behavior due to their heritable makeup and established a biological difference among noncriminals and criminals. Psychologically in positivism, the theorists believed that the human mind is accountable for people’s movements of crime. Sociologically, in positivism, the theorists believed social and economic influences inspired criminal behavior. The biological theorists assumed human behavior was constitutionally or genetically determined. These theorists believed human behavior was passed on from generation to generation and that propensities inherited from more primitive developmental stages in the evolutionary process was of equal importance. The psychological theorists believed the individual was the main unit of analysis. These theorists assumed personality to be the major motivational element and that crimes resulted from inappropriately conditioned behavior. Furthermore, their belief was that abnormal mental processes may have been caused by a diseased mind, inappropriate learning or improper

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