
What Does The Beast Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, a plane full of young boys crash on an isolated island, and have to learn to survive on their own without any adults.Throughout the novel, there are some objects that later turn into symbols. The author William Golding uses many symbols throughout the novel. The conch the boys find represents leadership, power, unity, democracy and order. During the beginning of the story a boy named Ralph blows the conch to bring together all the survivors from the plane crash. After the conch was found it is illustrated as being powerful and whoever holds it, shows leadership. Most of the boys choose Ralph to be the leader because he is the oldest of them all. Another example of the conch representing power is when Ralph says that people can only talk if they have the conch, and …show more content…

In “Lord of the Flies” the beast is a very important figure. The beast is a symbol of fear and creates a climatic darkness and horror. The fear of the beast begins when the boys are most vulnerable. The beast that frightens all the boys is viewed as the “primal instinct of savagery that exists within all humans.” Simon realizes that the boys fear the beast because it is within all of them. When the boys become more savage, their assumption in the beast grow stronger. Golding was trying to point that evil is inside of all human beings. This frightening beast originally takes the form as a snake in their imaginations. When the boys spot the dead parachutist who landed on the mountain, they feel that they have proof of the beast’s existence. The author William Golding wanted to represent that every human being has a dark side. The boys create the source of all their worst impulsion as a beast. William Golding guides the beast’s character through the actions of Jack, his tribe, and through Simon’s vision’s. When Simon hallucinates his awareness of the boys as the threat is

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