
What Is Atticus Finch Compassionate

Decent Essays

Atticus Finch, the father of Jem and Scout in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, is a magnificent character. He displays several qualities which makes him an interesting character. Atticus Finch is compassionate. This is evident when Atticus Finch, a lawyer is appointed by the local judge to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, who is accused of raping a white woman. Atticus discouraged violence, but strongly stands up for what he believed in. Atticus Finch is also courageous. .He taught his children to tolerate others, to act courageous, and to not judge people on what they look like. Atticus teaches Jem and Scout to act those ways by modelling those type of behaviour. Lastly, Atticus Finch is independent. He is exactly who everyone in Maycomb should admire and look up to. Atticus demonstrates by seeing people as equals when no one else can. This essay will show that Atticus Finch possesses the three qualities just mentioned. This essay will also show how the events/examples mentioned show Atticus unique qualities. Atticus FInch is compassionate. In the novel one sees this when he was defending Tom Robinson case. Atticus was a man who gratefully fought for what he believed in. For example, Atticus representing Tom Robinson in the courtroom, he knows he …show more content…

In the novel Atticus was the only white man in the town that would actually stand up for Tom Robinson, because he knew it was wrong to accuse him. He understood that taking the case would make him the enemy of the town. That no one would forgive him for believing in a negro rather than a white man. Atticus didn’t listen to anyone that was stubborn, even his sister disapprove about his decision, telling him he was bringing disgrace on the family. No matter how badly he represented himself, he did not change his mind. From these events the reader can infer that Atticus Finch has courage, he stood up for what was right, no matter what people thought about

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