
What Is Kinesthesis?

Decent Essays

Kinesthesis is the sensation of movement or strain in muscles, tendons, and joints; muscle sense. Pretend you’re standing in the dark in a room and you’re reaching around feelings for walls to know where the light switch is or a door knob to feel your way outside. Kinesthesis gives us that sense where we feel what’s around us even if we can’t see us. pretend not having it, life would be horrible. Thinking about having my hands around me or reaching for something to pick it up and not being able to sense it makes me very uncomfortable. David Hubel studied the eye, brain, and vision. He was drafted to the army. He started with the cats, the visual cortex of cats, sleeping and awake. He was a noble prize winner in Physiology and medicine in 1981. He figured the sensors of animals. …show more content…

Like David he expanded the knowledge of the sensory organs in animals. He served 10 years as chair of the Committee of human rights of the National academies of Science. The Vestibular Sense is the sensory system that provides the leading contribution about the sense of balance of spatial orientation for the purpose of coordinating movement with balance. Without the vestibular sense life would be very confusing and clumsy, there would be no sports, nothing that has to do with any of that. I mean you could do it but it would be completely different. So like i said kinesthesis and vestibular sense life just wouldn't be right, it would be very weird and different. Life would be difficult. and that’s my opinion on these two

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