
What Is Nomophobia?

Decent Essays

Nomophobia. The proposed name for the fear of being without your mobile phone that affects approximately 77% of American teens. I used to be part of this 77%. I always had my phone in my hand or back pocket. When I slept my phone was right next to my bed. When being driven somewhere, I had to be looking at my phone or else I’d be bored. This obsession with my phone ruled my life, that is until my phone was broken. While walking into my math class, scrolling through my instagram feed, I bumped into someone and dropped it. When I picked up my phone and saw that my screen was shattered, I felt like my world was shattered. I fearfully pressed the power button to see if the screen would turn on again. It didn’t. I had to wait about two weeks until I was able to get a new phone. I found myself …show more content…

While walking through my school during passing periods I noticed 4 different people I had never realized before that I had gone to elementary school that now went to my same high school. I began to feel like there was way more time in my day too. Now that I wasn’t always watching makeup videos on Instagram I had more time to do my homework, spend time with my family, and just relax. While doing more research on the effects of less phone use in people’s lives I became more assured that this simple act of just being able to relax instead of feeling the need to always be connected to everyone else’s lives, can actually improve your own life. Before losing my phone when I had any down time I would occupy my myself with my phone because just sitting and thinking seemed boring. With a phone to no longer rob me of moments of solitude, which psychologists say is key to relieving daily stress, I felt that my life was more orderly and my well being was bettered. But what about the other approximate 10 million teens in the US whose lives are still ruled by their

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