
What Is The Great Gatsby True Love

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Greedy Love
Was the love true or was it love for their money? In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, love for money was a reoccurring problem. Fitzgerald showed the readers that loving a person for their money was not true love. The relationships that were based on money ended in a serious way, a disaster.
Tom and Daisy Buchanan were in love but were they in love for the right reasons? F. Scott Fitzgerald showed Daisy was in love with Tom for his money. On their wedding day, Daisy wanted to end the relationship between her and Tom because she still loved Gatsby. In the end, Daisy still went on with the wedding because she received beautiful pearls from Tom. “...He gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars” (Fitzgerald 80). Daisy loved the expensive pearls so she stayed with him; she knew he had money to keep her happy. Tom did not love Daisy like he said he did; he had an affair that started when him and Daisy were on their honeymoon. Tom moved on to date Myrtle Wilson, during the novel, they saw …show more content…

Myrtle had a very rich lifestyle; she loved to wear expensive clothes and have expensive items. Myrtle had a hard time to fulfill her expensive lifestyle because George Wilson was very poor. To solve this problem she began to date Tom and she fell in love with his money. Tom would buy her anything she asked for and kept it at their apartment, “I want to get one of those dogs...I want to get one for the apartment” (Fitzgerald 31). Fitzgerald showed the readers having an affair for the money will not end well. When George discovered Myrtle having an affair, as a loving husband would, accused her of the affair. Myrtle screamed at Mr. Wilson, “Beat me. Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward” (Fitzgerald 144). The termination of Tom and Myrtle’s affair was when Myrtle was killed by the intoxicated Daisy after this

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