
What Is The Importance Of Reputation In Beowulf

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Beowulf is in the epic poem considered a human, but anybody reading the poem we give him superhuman characteristics. For say his strenght, ability to hold his breath under water for hours, or the biggest characteristic is him batteling demons, dragons, giants, witches and sea monsters. Although there and others like him, like his cousin Brecca. They are still not on his level of power. So in this Epic poem when the people need a hero, one whom they know will win, they send for Beowulf. And in all his calls, he has performed a brutal, bloody and sometimes over exaggerating fight in the deepest of sea, or the most rugged terrain, but he defeated the monster and saved the towns people and a majority of the time his life. According to beowulf the importance of reputation is grand. because of how boastful he is he must live up to what he says. Beowulf is looked apon as a hero, a gardian and a prince. Beowulf would not just be degrading himself if he slipped up and lost a fight or did somthing unworthy. It would effect his whole chain of royal family. his father Edgetho was known to have faught in many wars, as for his uncle King Hrothgar also. Althought King Hrothgar is rummered to have fleed …show more content…

Which is why reputation is important. Another example is Grendel. He is the mighty demon-monster that

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