
What Is The Irony In The Gift Of The Magi

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“The Gift Of the Magi’, short story, by O Henry. “The Gift Of the Magi’ is based on a couple who don't have enough money to buy their significant other a christmas present so they do what they have to do and seek their most desired treasures with a twist at the end. O Henry, the author of “The Gift Of The Magi”, uses irony and symbolism throughout the story to impact the reader. Irony is a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one accepts and is often amusing as a result. The couple in “The Gift Of the Magi’ is Della and Jim Dillingham. They are both young and poor yet infected by the industrialization and consumerism at the beginning of 20th century America. Jims most valuable possession was his gold watch …show more content…

The irony of the ending of “The Gift Of the Magi’ is the fact that both Della and Jim unselfishly sacrificed their most prized possessions in order to purchase gifts that the other would be thrilled about receiving, but each of them sacrificed the very thing for which the other bought the gift. So, neither can use his/her christmas present.(college teacher,1) “Just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.” O henry uses situational irony to create anticipation and surprise at an unexpected ending. The contradiction between what the reader expects and what really happens at the close of the story is situational irony. The reader assumes that Dellas sacrifice of her hair to buy a platinum watch for Jim's watch will bring her great joy at witnessing her husband's pleasure in this very expensive gift(Huson,2). Jim and Della’s only possessions of worth represent -Della’s hair- and shedding of patriarchal tradition--Jim's pocket watch. Henry tells readers Jim would have displayed his watch to king solomon to cause envy. Della’s abundant hair, we were informed, would outshine the queen of sheba's jewels and gifts(Hudson,1). Yet these possessions conflict enormously with the simple life these two had earning only $8 a week. At the end of the story, the author remind the readers that the

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