
What Is The Portrayal Of The Two Sisters In Barn Burning

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William Faulkner's “Barn Burning” eloquently describes the tremulous life of poor, immigrant young children. The story is a third-person narrative of Sarty, a young immigrant child who is struggling to accept the dangerous and impoverished living conditions of his family. Sarty's two sisters are briefly introduced in the story in unusual ways. The brief depictions of the sisters' physical features enable the reader to see the difficulties placed upon Sarty due to his father's opposition to American culture and change. The two sisters are depicted to be out of touch with the struggles of working class families. The sisters are lazy and large boned. Immigrant children are typically forced to work long hours and are underweight due to nourishment. The sisters wear fancy ribbons in their hair and wear flouncy dresses. Sarty was forced to wear old clothing due to working long hours in the fields. The sisters do not fit the description of a lower-income immigrant child. Sarty's depiction of the two sisters shows the struggles of class consciousness and how migrant families struggle to adapt. Sarty's mother refrains from disciplining the girls and molding their behavior to fit the dynamics of the family model. The girls do not understand the harsh realities of being poor and the struggles faced by their brothers. Sarty and his brothers work long hours in the field to help their father provide basic necessities for the family. The girls are depicted as being lazy and more

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