
How Does Shakespeare Present Evil In Macbeth

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#3A & #7A
Shakespeare represents Macbeth as an evil character in the play and the whole story turns out to have different situations. Here, it expresses light/darkness, violent imagery and unnatural happenings. Explain how it expresses and how it influences the theme of the story by supporting evidence such as quotations.

Macbeth: Powerful vision of Evil & Unusual happenings
‘Macbeth’ is a hideous catastrophe novel written by William Shakespeare. His text with the elucidation of his tragedies has been undertaking momentous changes. The theme of evil in ‘Macbeth’ represents the character and the amendment in characteristics, which brings nothing but devastation. The conflicts of good and evil are strongly exemplified throughout the play. …show more content…

She already plots king Duncan’s murder and is further callous and determined than her husband, Macbeth. She portrays evil power by controlling, convincing and influencing Macbeth to murder king Duncan, to take in charge of Duncan’s position instead and to confront and continue the deeds: “But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we will not fail.” Everything starts off with Lady Macbeth’s minor awareness, however Macbeth hallucinates himself as the replacement of king. By not winning his greed, he shortly becomes murderous and continues the “bloody path” himself: “Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?” Murdering king Duncan with his “bloody hands” indicates his irresistible guilt. Macbeth stays perturbed with the consequences of killing the king Duncan and find ways to avoid the murder: “Might be the be-all and the end-all – here, but here, upon this bank and shoal of time, we’d jump the life to come.” Facing the outcome and the lack of sleep he gets leads him a heartless killer. Enduring his preposterous acts powerfully prevails the darkness and the vehement endeavors throughout the …show more content…

William Shakespeare gives the unblemished sympathetic of the powerful vision of evil, the principles and the morose themes. Evil is the influential fraudulence of sin, which comes from greedy needs. Furthermore, evil is what people tend to commit unnatural acts of annihilation and alter one’s mindset. In ‘Macbeth,’ Macbeth and Lady Macbeth comprise and welcome the evil itself. The process of acknowledging the “evil” is the start of becoming one, abolishing the soul. The Great Change of Being has a tremendous influence and is represented in one of the themes in ‘Macbeth.’ The Great Chain of Being means that the lower class people cannot accuse or punish the royalty or high-class people. However, Macbeth breaks the natural order. Macbeth originally the general, which means that there are noblemen and kings who are higher than him, yet he still breaks the natural order by murdering the higher class, taking in charge of the throne and accusing them of crimes they never did. Breaking the order leads the nature into a chaos, which also symbolizes the unusual happenings. Violent acts and abnormal happenings abysmally darken the theme as a whole and collapse the overall

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