
What Is The Theme Of Far From The Madding Crowd

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In ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ change is a dominant theme that Thomas Hardy gladly explores. It is ironic how the plot is described as a changeless rhythm, but yet the timelessness of the setting is compared with the struggles that the characters face against time and change. Each paragraph consists of a character trait with reference to the person who influenced the change. The character traits are as follow: selfish and vain, wild and impulsive, virtuous and independent. The first two paragraphs describe the character traits selfish and vain and the characterisation of Sergeant Troy. Followed by her impulsive nature and characterisation of Boldwood.
Concluding with independent and the characterisation of Gabriel Oak. Like all Hardy’s characters, …show more content…

Troy, an impulsive and reckless man by nature entices Bathsheba due to this weakness of hers. As Hardy simply puts, “He had been known to observe casually that in dealing with womankind the only alternative to flattery was cursing and swearing”(page . Bathsheba, as a result of the self-love of her charms, became a wretched victim to Troy’s flattery. Though her consciousness told her that Troy was a dangerous man not to be dealt with, her vanity caused her to be dazzled by him, "O miss—I blush to name it—[he is] a gay man—a walking ruin to honest girls, so some people say. But I know him to be very quick and trim, who might have made his thousands as a squire" (p24.line65). Ironically, Bathsheba’s marriage to Troy slowly usurped her pride.
However, one thing to note about Hardy’s heroine is how virtuous she is. She is neither inherently evil nor possesses any malicious objective. Even Troy, the man who is deemed dangerous and untrustworthy, is not evil but rather lacks a moral compass to tell him right from wrong. The plot of “Far from the Madding Crowd” is propelled because of this characteristic of hers and often depicts scenes where Bathsheba is puzzled between morality and desires. …show more content…

Perhaps it is her nature that he likes the most -not her vanity, but her independence. Bathsheba’s first sings of independence mirrors when she decides to ride her horse like a man "I can ride on the other [saddle]: trust me" (2.31). Gabriel Oak nurtured the idea of how independent Bathsheba was, to an extend that her worked for her. Thomas Hardy portrays the nurturing idea of Gabriel Oak with reference to Oak’s symbolic meaning: the oak tree. Known for its’ stability and endurance.
Concluding, Hardy’s ear is as sensitive as his eyes and it is worth nothing how often his descriptions are strengthened by the mixture of the visual and the aural. Throughout the novel the images portrayed by Hardy adds a general mood and atmosphere to the

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