
What Is The Theme Of The Outsiders

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Theme: the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic. A theme of a book or a movie can be seen in very different ways. It’s all opinion, and I believe the theme of The Outsiders is don’t judge people because they’re different than you. You see this happen multiple times in the book, when the SOCS assault the Greasers in the middle of the night, and also when the rumble happens, which is where the all the SOCS fight all the Greasers. There are good parts though, like when Cherry and her friend, actually hang out with Pony and Johnny. The Outsiders is about a low income group of teenagers, who deal with a lot of problems in life. They are called the Greasers, but even though there is 20 in the group,

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