
What Is The Tragic Flaw In Macbeth

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“If chance will have me King, why Chance may crown me, Without my stir.” (Act 1, Scene 3). How did Macbeth go from letting fate decide whether he would be king to murdering anyone in his way? A tragic flaw in Macbeth's character results in several horrendous murders, irrational thoughts, and eventually turns Macbeth into a completely different person. Macbeth is a solider when he first appears in the play but he is also power hungry. As soon as the witches tell him he will be king, that flaw gets the best of him. His tragic flaw makes the story of Macbeth a tragedy of character not fate.
In the first place, when Macbeth says “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself and falls on the other” (Act 1, Scene 7) he is essentially saying that he has no reason to want the king gone, except for the fact that he is in …show more content…

I am in blood Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er." (Act 3, Scene 4). In this quote, Macbeth is essentially saying that he only cares about himself now. Macbeth believes returning to his old ways would be far to difficult after all he has done. Macbeth can’t go back now. He has now lost control and his flaw has taken over. Macbeth can no longer go back to his old ways. In conclusion, Macbeth’s ambition and need for power took him from brave warrior to evil murderous ruler, and the only person to blame was Macbeth himself. He began going crazy, his never ending desire for power drove him mad. What started with just wanting to become king quickly spiraled into slaughtering people and worrying about no one but him and his future children's royalty. This thought process eventually resulted in many innocent lives lost, as well as his own. All of this and more proves that the story of Macbeth is a tragedy of character, not

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