
What Matters Most in Outliers by Malcom Gladwell Essay

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People may argue that Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is all about family background and family legacies. Others may say that what mattered most is the way someone are brought up and how much time and dedication they put into a skill or goal. People may also say that all of these factors are what the book focuses on in order to be successful. The book is not about family background, the “10,000 Hour-Rule”, or “Rice Paddies”. All of those encompass something very important, opportunity to actually apply those theories. The most important theory Gladwell presents is that opportunities are the key to become successful more so than the other theories. Many people in the chapters would have not been successful without the opportunities that …show more content…

Norman says to Gladwell that:
It was an accident. Bruno [a club owner in Hamburg] went to London to look for bands. But he happened to meet and entrepreneur from London by pure chance…That’s how the connection was established…the Beatles made a connection not just with Bruno but with other club owners as well (48).
Without the opportunity of the connection to the club owner sent by Norman, the Beatles would’ve been another garage band with not much of a future. They were able to play at Bruno’s club and many others in Hamburg and that was thanks to the opportunity of the connection they made. Gates and the Beatles would not be were they are today if they had missed all of those opportunities. When people are born at the right time, this is not an example of being lucky or a chance at something. This is not luck is because it sets people up for future opportunities. The foundation of a chance of opportunities is created when a person is born at the right time. If people are born too late or too early, they may miss any future opportunities. For example, in a study Gladwell looks at, he states that “ They [Kelly Bedard and Elizabeth Dhuey] found that among fourth graders, the oldest children scored somewhere between four and twelve percentile point better than the youngest children”(28). This study was conducted through the TIMMS (math and science test given to children every four years around the world). The women who conducted the study found that younger children

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