
What Role Does Elizabeth Play In The Parliament

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In the days of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign, the parliament played a very different role to the one it plays today. The parliament was not particularly important. They only came to Elizabeth when she called on them. In fact they only met 13 times in her 45 year long reign. She only called them to pass acts of parliament, which were laws approved by the Houses of Lords and Commons. They also approved taxes and provided support, advice and money for the monarch. Their role was significantly smaller than the role of the Privy Council. Elizabeth and her parliament had very different ideas about what exactly the purpose of parliament was. She expected her MP’s to talk about certain issues, which didn’t include her personal affairs, religion or foreign policy. These were Elizabeth’s private ‘matters of state’. If there were difficulties, she used her power to reject a law or simply closed parliament. The MP’s in Parliament however, thought of their own role as voicing their opinions on how the country was being governed and believed that they had three special privileges. The believed that they …show more content…

It was important to them that she got married and secured an heir for the throne and a strong king to rule beside her. However, Elizabeth was not ready for marriage and didn’t succumb to their pressure. Peter Wentworth went as far as asking her to name an heir but she didn’t. In 1572, the Catholic plot to murder Elizabeth was discovered and Mary queen of Scots was traced back to it. The MP’s urged Elizabeth to have her executed but Elizabeth was in two minds about the situation involving her cousin. This again was important as it showed that their were still some Catholic extremists at large and Elizabeth was also scared of foreign attack if she had Mary executed. Some MP’s complained about not having a right to speak freely something, Elizabeth didn’t

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