
What Role Does The Pardoner Play In The Canterbury Tales

Decent Essays

According to the Great Chain of Being, the first estate is considered to be very holy and

extremely close to God. They are considered to be honest and God's messengers. The Pardoner is

a part of the first estate. A Pardoner is responsible for giving out "pardons" which is a piece of

paper that promises to reduce your time in purgatory. Purgatory is the time you spend before

you're let into heaven. The Pardoner must give out the pardons and give out words of wisdom

and prayers for hope. Pardoners are looked upon as the most holy and extremely close to God so

many people tend to believe them.

The Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales is far from holy and honest. Chaucer describes him

to look like an animal. He is described as looking sort of like a pig …show more content…

She challenges the idea that is presented in the Book of Hours and creates a look for

herself. She has a talent that can't be mimicked anywhere else. She has married many times

which destroys the idea of purity. The Wife of Bath is doesn’t see her sexuality as a source of sin

but rather a source of strength. She is very proud of her body and her sexuality. Her ability to

make cloth has led her to be very independent and not rely on any man to support her.

Rape: It's your fault is a modern satirical video addressing the rape issues in India. In

India, many women are raped on a constant and alarming rate. Although women are the target,

they are often blamed for being raped because it must have been something that they wore or ate

that caused to get raped. The video is making fun of the policemen in India that blame the

females for what they were wearing at the time the incident happened. The video uses satire to

expose not only the ignorance of the police officers but that of the population in India who still

believe it is the girl's fault that she has been raped. They also believe that it is okay if a woman is

raped by her husband because after all, doesn’t she belong to

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