
What Techniques Does Mccullough Use To Create His Satire?

Decent Essays

Part A: Twain and McCullough
Provide supporting evidence from the texts to support your responses to these questions. All answers should be in the form of complete sentences.
1. What is the issue Twain is satirizing?
Mark Twain was satirizing parents in the sense of what advice they give their kids. In the speech, he wants to make known that the advice given to kids by parents is just a tool to make them follow the same ideals that their parents have.
2. What techniques does Twain use to create his satire?
To create his satire, Twain uses parody, hyperbole, wit, and irony throughout his speech.
3. What is the issue McCullough is satirizing?
McCullough is using satire to teach kids to go on in life and achieve more, strive for greatness, …show more content…

What techniques does McCullough use to create his satire?
McCullough uses hyperbole and irony in his speech.
5. How effectively do the techniques used communicate Twain’s position?
Twain exaggerates and uses irony throughout his speech to target questions about the advice adults have given them. He wants us to ask if the advice is actually good, or we just listened to it because our parents told us it is right or good. This way, his speech and wording encourages us to think for ourselves about what is really right, and what is really good advice to take on in life.
6. How effectively do the techniques used communicate McCullough’s position?
McCullough exaggerates and uses irony throughout his speech to convey the message that if everyone is special, then no one is really special at all. If everyone gets the same award, then it becomes meaningless and has no value, and is therefore not special. Rather than reaching the top and claiming an award or setting down a flag to represent accomplishment, he wants us to keep climbing and reach higher than where we are at now. He wants us to see the importance of work and doing good rather than seeing it as a competition for some sort of award.

7. How are the messages communicated by Twain and McCullough …show more content…

In his conclusion, what stood out to me the most is when he said, “Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air, and behold the view.” To me, this means that once a set goal is achieved, set the bar even higher and continue to build your way up the metaphorical mountain, and then look back and reflect on where you started, and what you achieved along the way. While he wants the kids to think for themselves and listen to their own ideals rather than what someone teaches them to do, I think that this is very sound advice, and that is why it stood out to me the

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