
What Was The Cause Of The American Revolution Essay

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-What were the cause(s) of the American Revolution? The Colonists were not always against the rule of Britain, in fact they used to be proud to be a part of Britain. So long as British rule did not overstep their boundaries of power when dealing with the Colonies. However, following the Seven Year War, Britain, who was in debt due to said war, began to interfere in the life of the colonies much to their dismay. Britain believed that they had absolute power over the colonies and did not understand why they did not see it their way. Needless to say the Colonists were upset, and this anger festered over time with each action the British took against them. This anger started with an act referred to as the Stamp Act. Since the Seven Year War had put Britain into debt, they attempted to cover the costs by taxing the colonies. This tax would require the Colonies to pay a tax on every piece of paper the colonists used, from newspaper to playing cards. The colonists were outraged and fought against this act with riots. Eventually the Stamp Act was repealed, but the whole ordeal left a bad taste in america's mouth. …show more content…

British soldiers were not well received after the tax situation, but they continued to attempt to do their jobs and keep the peace in America. One night in Boston there was a large party, and a man began to harass a soldier on duty. The situation escalated quickly, the man continued to harass the soldier and others began to join in, the soldier brought back up. What happened next was unfortunate; the men began to physically assault the soldiers with clubs daring them to fire their rifles. As one soldier when down his weapon discharged, causing the other soldiers to think that they should fire their weapons and killing a total of six men. The event was publicized as a terrible

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