
What Were The Living And Working Conditions Of Slaves Throughout The South?

Good Essays

000536-XXX Labonte 1
Alexia J. Labonte
IB Candidate 000536-XXX
IB History of the Americas
12 January 2017
What Were the Living and Working Conditions of Slaves in the South?
Section I
Source 1
“Living Conditions”
“Living Conditions” is a web source written and published in 2004. It was written by Nicholas Boston and published by PBS. It is a secondary source because it filters primary sources through evaluation and interpretation by others.
The document exists to inform readers and students about the living conditions of slaves. The author chose a web article as the format because it is simple to obtain information and is concisely organized.
This document is not biased, for the author was not under any circumstances …show more content…

It shows the emotion of the slaves’ side of this time period.
The author was under harsh circumstances, which could have allowed elaboration or understatement of information. The perspective is only from within the event, and does not include perspective from the outside. This can cause bias, however, the information can still verify the harshness of the situation.
Section II
Blacks had been enslaved in the South since the early 17th century. Around the time of the American Revolution and the Constitution, slavery was beginning to diminish and the importations of slaves into the United States was agreed to be ended by the founders of the Constitution. However, by 1800 the slavery institution began to thrive again due to the invention and widespread adoption of the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney. This machine allowed much easier and more economical production of a variety of cotton, especially in the climate of the South. However, this still required the intense labor of a numerous amount of slaves. Slaves also worked in many other types of agriculture, including tobacco, sugar, hemp, corn, rice, livestock, etc. Many slaves also worked in Southern cities, working at a variety of skilled trades as well as common laborers. Each situation brought its own set of hazards, demands, and perks regarding labor, slave codes, housing, food, and clothing.
The majority of slaves were field hands composed of

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