
What Were The Major Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation

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3) How did the United States win the war? Did the institutions that won the war become part of the Articles of Confederation? What were the major strengths and weaknesses of this first American government?
What began as a little gathering of British settlements did not turn into the United States of America until the point that a “ragtag” band of progressives battled for their territory. In 1775, a violent clash between colonials and British troops at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts flagged the begin of the Revolutionary War. Otherwise called the American Revolution and the United States War of Independence, it would rapidly develop from a small war to a majorly significant battle. When the British surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had essentially won their land. Battling would at last arrive at a formal end in 1783.
American history courses show us much regarding why the Americans needed their independence from Great Britain, and we know the essential dates and realities about their definitive triumph. The British military was the best known military in the world.. It had vanquished a great part of the world and won in war after war over the previous century. It was all around prepared, completely prepared, and contained 50,000 troops solid. In the event that you include the 30,000 Hessian (German) soldiers contracted to battle the colonists, the British powers overpowered colonial powers four to one, as George Washington never instructed a

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