
What it means to be an American Essay

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be an American? The soil of the middle-east stained with the blood of our American soldiers just so we can not take advantage of our right to vote. Though sometimes questionable, America's overall image portrayed to other countries is an honorable one. America is known for its democracy and as well as being a land of opportunities and many freedoms. America's assortment of ethnicities and cultures is proof that our country is a desirable one. Wars are being fought at this very moment to defend these freedoms. There are many battles that have dictated what America is and stands for today. Some of these battles were literal fights and others were ones of a societal nature. For example, The Civil War was a pivotal …show more content…

Freedom of religion and freedom of Speech were some of the major values that drove the pilgrims to start their own community in America. We started in thirteen colonies which have evolved into the fifty states that are our country today. Our newly established democracy offered rights that our old society didn?t bring to the table. Currently, the United States is the most or one of the most privileged nations and is very pleasant to live in compared to some foreign nations that may come to mind. However, we, as citizens, have come to abuse our rights and privileges given to us. Many Americans feel that they must always take rather than give to this country. They abuse our laws and all they care about is what they are entitled to. Also, money has become the main focus of our society today. Whatever financial position we are in, we always desire more money, a better car, or any other sign showing financial superiority. Americans today focus more on how large their sums of money are in relation making enough money to support a family. Clean water and an abundance of food may be scarce in some third-world countries, but here in America it is not and also another privilege being abused. Approximately one out of every three Americans is overweight or obese. In other words, we are pretty much the fattest country around. One might inquire ?Should we be proud to be an American?? Though we aren?t

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