
What 's The Rush?

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“You can keep your reasons to yourself. Now, what can you do for me? This is far from something that is normally done.” “How would you like if your daughter’s vitals are lifted to the highest marks.” “I guess you really want your revenge,” I chuckled. (Did the man just offer my little princess to receive the Twelfth Level Matrimonial Top Listing?) “However, don’t you think it would look strange, even for an Eighth Level, to know how to deal with these people?” “If you agree with what I want done, I will have your daughter transfer to the top school for the upper levels’ children and insure she will attend the Highest Level Planetary Academy on the Planet. I need to know your answer now.” “What’s the rush? You said I have several years until the boy was of age for an accident.” “That’s true, but the people in charge of the upper level school and the Academy are very old men and wish to see their grandchildren from several lower relationships listed high. These men wish to ensure their younger family members have the opportunity to attend their school even after they die. I can’t hold them off much longer and need your answer now. I’ll even throw in her attending school on a 12 seat school shuttle of with a traveling server.” “What about a rudimentary AISHA Unit?” I asked, calmly. “Your offer is too good to believe as it is, so why not consider this as a gift.” “I can work around the traveling server and the 12 seat school shuttle, but

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