
What´s Serial Killers Killing Three Or More People?

Decent Essays

The topic I chose to research is serial killers who murder three or more people. Typically, they have breaks in between their kills known as the “cooling off” period. Most serial killers go years without being caught and typically will live most of their lives never being brought to justice. There are many psychological theories to explain serial killings, but the FBI believes they are seeking attention. By using the behavioral, biological, and social perspective I will explain why people are serial killers. I find it interesting why people decide to take another life and by doing so end theirs. They can commit the ultimate crime by taking the life of another and feel no sympathy. They generally interest me in the way they can do these horrid things without any sense …show more content…

One relates to the functional disability of the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A which is a gene that regulates mood. When people have this, they tend to be more aggressive in behavior and as a child this will affect their ability to get along with others. When someone has this genotype, it can cause them to build up resentment and begin to defy society leading to criminal behavior. Another biological explanation is neurological disorder caused by head trauma, birth defects, and seizures can also result in aggressive behavior. The most common mental disorder involved in serial killing is antisocial personality disorder (ADP). People with ADP who have limited amount of empathy demonstrate psychopathy. They tend to exhibit characteristics of being charming, good at manipulation, and intimidation. Also, they typically have low resting heart rates and their brains look different when scanned. The brain lacks prefrontal gray matter, asymmetric hippocampi, and amygdala abnormalities. Another disorder associated with serial killers is borderline personality disorder (BDP) which contains psychotic-like

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