
Whether Or Not To Be Blamed For Macbeth's Fall

Decent Essays

Macbeth, is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare, which involves the downfall of a military hero, Macbeth. However, Macbeth cannot be blamed for his own fate – his downfall is mostly the result of the actions of those around him. The Witches and Lady Macbeth are to be blamed for Macbeth’s fall.
Three evil witches predict that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and even King of Scotland. Macbeth let go their prophecies, but he is after promoted to Thane of Cawdor. However, Macbeth is a good and loyal relative who would never harm the King. If it was not for the outside forces, he would have lived happily as Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth does not want to kill King Duncan. Macbeth fears the witches’ message means that he will kill the king

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