
White Australia Dbq Analysis

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1. The goldfields made everyone desperate for gold, and of course, rather greedy. The value of the gold, however would be enough to change social status for a lower-class citizen. The amount of money that the upper-class citizens already had was a pittance compared to what they could earn in the goldfields. This made the current social level irrelevant, hence the 'social leveller' statement. These facts are supported in Source 1, which said, "This society comprises men from all parts of the world, all countries and religions - all mixed into one society, all dressed similarly all forced to forget their previous habits, earnings, customs, manners and occupations." It goes on to say that it made it impossible to tell someone's background. Because …show more content…

Though the goldfields did provide a clean slate and removed much racial tension by giving everyone a command ground to run from, some still held their previous beliefs that they were superior to other cultures. This is evident in Source 2, which said, "…he had mislead me because he thought I was a German." Other sources of racism include the initial attitude of Australia and the "White Australia Policy" and the Mongolian Octopus cartoon, which accompanied many other similar illustrations. Source 1 clearly back the multiculturalism of the goldfields, saying, "Their outward appearance does not signify their previous importance, worth of mental attainments." Multiculturalism, although normally associated with an accepting community, is not necessarily the case, as it is only the act of having many cultures in one jurisdiction. Eventually, the multicultural views did take place in Australia, which was caused by the influx of foreign citizens because of the gold rush, even though it was not initially successful. Source 2 also casts another view on the instability of the racial beliefs and attitudes, "Many a one would not, a short while before, bother to look at a fellow with whom he now works." This shows how many, if not the majority of the diggers put their racial prejudice behind them and found that the others were not, in fact all that different from

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