
White Lies Natasha Trethewey Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The story portrayed in White Lies by Natasha Trethewey displays the disheartening sense of shame in a young, interracial girl growing up in the post-integration South. Though she is half-black and half-white, the blending of the two races, more than likely, constitutes her ability to pass as a white girl. Because of this, she could adhere to the façade that her family resided uptown with only the finest of clothes, just as the other white families did. She could also allow her white classmates to believe that she was white like they were. However, her complete disregard of her true identity was a punishable offense by her mother, resulting in the speaker’s tongue being met with a bar of soap to “to purify and cleanse” her lying tongue (Trethewey

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