
Who Are Lord Capulet Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Satisfactory Essays

Lord and Lady Capulet are responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Lord Capulet does not want Juliet living in his house if she isn’t married to Paris.For example (3.5.216) “Graze where you will, you shall not house with me…”Lord Capulet told Juliet if she wasn’t married to Paris she will not stay in his home and Lord Capulet will disown her. She is threatened to lose her own home and family just because of not marrying Paris. This leads to her killing herself because if she can’t be with the one she loves and still live at home she thinks why live at all.Lord Capulet moved up the wedding which doesn’t work well with Friar Laurence’s plan.For instance (3.4.33) “Well go get you gone. A Thursday be it then.”This quote is saying that Lord Capulet

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