
Who Is Charlie Gordon In Flowers For Algernon

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1. The main character Charlie Gordon has a mental disability, despite that he has lots of motivation to become more intelligent. He wants to be like the “normal” in his life. Charlie has lots of character traits. He is very optimistic and hardworking. This is helping him achieve his goal of becoming intelligent. Charlie does most things in his life for better outcomes. He never tries to disappoint anyone or himself. Most choices he makes are for his own good and to become a better person for himself. Charlie does not have too many good relationships. With his mother, he does not have a good one since his mother did not appreciate his presence since he was mentally disabled and not normal like his sister. He does not have a good relationship …show more content…

The novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes is told from a first person narrator point of view which means this story is told and narrated by the main character Charlie Gordon. This is a first person point of view since Charlie narrates the story through his progress reports, and those are journal writings which he is writing. You can also tell he is writing them because Charlie misspells words throughout the …show more content…

The story is more character driven as it goes through Charlie’s personal life. It starts off with Charlie at college for retarded adults. His teacher is Alice thinks it is a good idea for him to go through an operation that will boost his intelligence. The plot also goes through Charlie’s life at work at the bakery. He talks about the people he works with and how he thinks of them as friends, but Charlie does not know that they are actually making fun of him behind his back. After the surgery, Charlie talks about work as well and how he gets fired. Then he talks about his relationship with Alice and also with Algernon. Finally, at the end of the book while he is losing his intelligence, and he goes through flashbacks of personal events that happened to him, then he explains what he will be doing now to try to become more intelligent

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