
Who Is Julius Caesar Noble

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Kaydee Cappa The Noblest Man of Them All In the play Julius Caesar, Brutus is claimed to be the tragic hero or, a virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy that is set up from the beginning for downfall, suffering or defeat in the end. This is because of the way he cared for everyone and how he avoided betrayal and deceitfulness at all costs. But because of his optimistic outlook on everyone, this ultimately leads to his death. Throughout the play, he was completely oblivious to those who are using or betraying him. Brutus was well liked, looked up to and widely recognized as being noble. He cared more for others than he did for himself, and everything he did was for the good of someone else. Despite killing Antony's best friend, Julius Caesar, Antony still declared him “the noblest man of them all" (Act 5, Scene 5). One of the main ways that Brutus showed that he cared for everyone, was when he prevented disloyalty and always thought of others first. …show more content…

For example when he was invited to join Cassius’s conspiracy, he hesitated because he didn’t want to betray his good friend Caesar (Act 1, Scene 2). Brutus knew in the long run that killing Caesar would help the future of the city that he loved. The way Caesar was ruling Rome would have eventually harmed the city. They killed Caesar not for hating him, but for the good of the plebeians and the stability of Rome (Act 3, Scene

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