
Who Is Mayella Powerful?

Decent Essays

Is Mayella Powerful? Power is relevant in several different ways; however, there are three main elements of power. Some have power in their gender, race, or social class. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee writes about people and power. Specifically, the character of Mayella Ewell charges a black man with raping her. Mayella Ewell has power in her race; although, she does not have power in her gender and social class. Mayella Ewell does not have power in her gender, since she is a woman. Mayella is the daughter of Bob Ewell, the town drunk. Tom Robinson, the man Mayella accused of raping her, states that “She says what her papa do to her don’t count” (Lee Document B). Mayella admits her father, Bob Ewell, abuses her sexually and possibly physically and verbally, to Tom. Atticus explains Mayella was “beaten savagely” most likely by her father (Lee Document B). Mayella was taken advantage of because she is a woman. Mayella lacks power in her gender while also lacking power in her social class. …show more content…

Mayella, her father, and her siblings live by the town dump in a run-down shack. Scout states that “Mr. Ewell had a scalded look: as if an overnight soaking had deprived him of protective layers of dirt… Mayella looked as if she tried to keep clean, and I was reminded of the row of red geraniums in the Ewell yard” (Lee 8). Mayella lives in a trashy, dirty place, but is the only one in her family who tries to clean up and make the yard and house look pretty. Atticus explains to Scout how the town hates Bob Ewell: “He thought he’d be a hero, but all he got for his pain was… okay we’ll convict this Negro, but get back to your dump.” (Lee Document A). Bob Ewell thought everyone in the town would respect him because he won the case, but they all just forgot about him after a while. Although Mayella does not have power in her social class, she has power in her

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