
Who Is Montag A Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

In Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 the protagonist Guy Montag works as a fireman. In this story firemen burn books because they have become banned. Montag sacrifices his job, freedom, and wife for the opportunity to read books and gain knowledge.
Montag knows he is sacrificing his job since he goes against everything his job stands for. The objective of his job is to abolish all books in existence. A neighbor girl he meets named Clarisse asks him “Do you ever read any of the books you burn?”(Ray Bradbury 5), she has the audacity to ask a fireman if you ever read a book. Therefore, this seems like an unreasonable question to ask when really Montag has been hiding books in his home all along. After Clarisse asks Montag the question

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