
Who Is Myrtle's Death In The Great Gatsby

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Moral corruption is usually not the main theme in books, but it is in The Great Gatsby. In it, many events and actions lead to horrible things, such as Myrtle Wilson’s death. In the book The Great Gatsby, almost all major characters contributed to Myrtle’s death. The most obvious person that was responsible for Myrtle’s death is Daisy. She was driving Gatsby’s car. She might have been too distracted by her thoughts to notice Myrtle in the middle of the street, yet others are to blame for her death too. Myrtle is an obvious example of a gold digger, or as some would say she is an opportunist. She is married to George Wilson and is a lower class but all she wants is money and luxury, “Mrs.Wilson changed her costume sometime before and was …show more content…

After five years of being in a marriage - maybe not so happy but still - she is thinking about leaving everything behind and running back to Gatsby, who was her first love. Gatsby, on the other hand, is not cheating on anyone. He is free like a bird but mentally, he is not so free. His obsession with Daisy made him do things that violated quite a few significant values. Shown as a selfish, self-centered man, he tries to break apart a five year long marriage because he wants to finally win Daisy, who is not being treated equally by any men and is treated like a trophy instead, “High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden girl”(Fitzgerald, 120). It is not so surprising because the setting of this book is happening in the 1920’s when the gender roles were different than they are today. The main goal was to have a pretty, “trophy wife” and men had all the power. Instead of respecting Daisy’s privacy, Gatsby leaves her with no choice but to tell Tom that there is someone else in her life with Gatsby being present. It is very possible that things would have gone in a different direction if he let her take her time and have this conversation in a more private setting. Both Gatsby and Tom’s decisions are spontaneous and not so thought out. Sometimes, they act like children, fighting over Daisy, instead of dealing with the situation like two adult

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