
Who Is Raskolnikov's On The Path To Justification

Decent Essays

On the Path to Justification Existentialism is a philosophy that allows humans to define the value of everything though ones’ own experiences. Primarily existentialist believe that life causes despair and that it does not have any purpose in the beginning, but that the value comes from ones’ existence. According to the philosophy of utilitarianism happiness is the only thing with fundamental value throughout your life; without happiness, you have nothing. Utilitarians argued that criminals ought to be reformed and not merely punished. According to Utilitarianism, our only moral duty is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Raskolnikov tries to find many reasons as to why killing the old woman could possibly be justified. In the book we see Raskolnikov say multiple times, “Look here, on one side we have a stupid, senseless, worthless, spiteful, ailing, horrid old woman, not simply useless but doing actual mischief, who has not an idea what she is living… Hundreds, thousands perhaps, might be set on the right path; dozens of families saved from destitution, from ruin, from vice, from the Lock hospitals—and all with her money. Kill her, take her money and devote oneself to the service of humanity and the …show more content…

Raskolnikov described Alyona as something that would maximize pain and shows that she hasn’t done anything that would make it have value; he uses these to prove that killing Alyona is truly going to be justified, no matter if he gets caught and goes to jail, but he will end

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