
Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Macbeth is doomed not by fate, but a flaw in his character. Discuss.

While the prophecies of the Witches and the ambition of his wife were contributing factors, Macbeth’s ambition and arrogance were the driving forces that ultimately lead to his demise. Fate advanced Macbeth’s closer to his death, however this was not the pure cause. Lady Macbeth’s ambition promoted her husbands drive yet she lost her influence over him when their relationship changed. Macbeth’s flaws are seen to corrupt his character which is the ultimate guiding force of his downfall. Thus, Shakespeare illustrates that both fate, but more so ambition were involved in Macbeth’s downfall. Macbeth’s arrogance and unchecked ambition is seen to corrupt his personality, and ultimately led to his downfall. Macbeth was described as a strong and honourable character in the beginning of the play. However it is made evident that Macbeth is deceitful character with “vaulting ambition”. This is shown when Macbeth says,“that is a step // On which I must fall down, or else overlaps, // For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires!”. Shakespeare uses cosmic imagery to portray the fact that Macbeth is desperate to his his thoughts, and likely actions from the heavens and God. This also shows Macbeth’s …show more content…

The Weird Sisters greet Macbeth by his (at the time) current title, and then two new titles which departs from Macbeth’s reality, however is the objective truth. This prompts Macbeth's ambition, however they do not inform on how he will achieve this power. The Witches aim to feed is ego.This is shown when Hecate says, "spurn fate, scorn death, and bear // His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear”, because, as they know, "security // Is mortals' chiefest enemy”. The Witches lead Macbeth to believe that he is in a position of security. Thus, Shakespeare has Fate helps guide Macbeth into his

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