
Who Is Responsible For Oedipus's Downfall

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Oedipus, The King unfolds as a murder mystery, a political thriller, and a psychological tragedy. Throughout this mythic story of patricide and incest, Sophocles emphasizes the irony of a man determined to expose and punish an assassin, only to find out that the man himself is at fault. This revelation guides the story by presenting a confliction of morals and introducing the concept of fate. Oedipus truly believes that he alone can control his destiny but his lack of knowledge ultimately leads to his demise. The story begins with the plague of Thebes. Oedipus’s brother-in-law Creon returns from the oracle of Apollo and discloses that the plague is punishment for the murder of King Laius. King Laius was the former ruler of Thebes and the previous husband of Queen Jocasta, Oedipus’s wife. Creon reveals that the citizens of Thebes must discover and punish the murderer before the plague can be lifted. The people mourn their dead, and Oedipus advises them to search out and apprehend the murderer. Oedipus declares that he welcomes the truth to free his kingdom and seeks the blind seer named Teiresias. Teiresias reveals that Oedipus is responsible for the plague and is the murderer of King Laius. Oedipus rejects Teiresias’s allegations and accuses him of conspiring with Creon to take over the …show more content…

Subsequently, every drastic and pivotal decision that they make help fulfill the given prophecy. Ironically, their reactions and efforts of prevention only seem to thwart their ideals and lead them into a tragic conclusion. Oedipus and Jocasta would ultimately be better off not knowing their fates ahead time and living their lives to the fullest content. Yet, these two characters meet their downfall due to their own actions. Oedipus, The King is an enlightening play that manipulates the concept of irony and symbolizes the unknowable complexity of the

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