
Who Is Responsible In The Great Gatsby

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“What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.” (alfred north whitehead) A fair fit description of on how morality is truly functions. All throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby immorally is scattered throughout. The Great Gatsby follows Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby in the rekindling of their love, amongst other things. When asking who to blame many would say that they all collectively had an impact, but fault does not always lie with people “One and a while I will go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time.” (Fitzgerald 131) To say that one single person is responsible for everything in this book is foolish, because it is not true. There is collectively a blame to be set, but it is not for one person only. It is deeper than what is seen on the surface, the morals that one sets and then choose not to fulfil is what is to blame. When people marry it is supposedly for life, when people love it is to be in every kiss, hug and child each share. Yet …show more content…

Daisy come over quite often- in the afternoons’” (Fitzgerald 114) Married wife meets ex- lover and they rendezvous in secret, the first promise is always hardest but the rest soon follow. Following in her husband's footsteps Daisy falls down the same path of destruction, full of temporary love, pain, and anger. Of course we could blame her for willingly partaking in a affair but once again it goes deeper than that. After marrying out of heartbreak and greed, being in a distasteful marriage for years she finally come face to face with the man of her dreams. The consequence being that she helps in destroying her morally inclined marriage. Not to mention ruins her daughter’s childhood and making it more-likely that she will end up on the wrong path or worse, similar to her

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