
Who Is The Real John Proctor In The Crucible

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The Real John Proctor

Witchcraft was a common but hated word in Salem. In the book The Crucible by ‘Aurthur Miller, you did do witchcraft and you dont get hung, or you say you didnt do witchcraft and get hung for it. Since John Proctors motivated by keeping his family safe and his decision to admit adultry, establishes a twist by the end of the play. One of the few motivations that John Proctor was, protecting his family and keeping them safe. John was willing to do any thing for his family to protect them. (QUOTE) John Proctor was willing to risk anything to save his family and keep them safe. They meant everything to him. Johns will to flight for his family’s safety was a struggle for him but he risked his own life to keep them …show more content…

That choice effected him greatly by having to get involved in court. Also has to force being hung or not. All of this was mostly to protect Elizebeth. ‘..she’ll ruin you with it, i know she will’ ‘Good. Than her saintliness is done with(1071) .This is where john told Marry Waren to tell the court twho put the needle in the poppet, but than relizes that Abigail will chage lechery, but he is fine with it as long as her saintliness is over. He relizes that he could get hanged, but he would rather get hanged than his wife. He doesn’t want his wife to die for him. John Proctor is willing to risk his own life to tell the truth rather than lie and lose his pride and his family’s reputation. He would rather die keeping his pride than lie and save his self but lose his family’s good name. John and Abigail’s affair was the worst thing John could have done. But with is fight and will power, he managed to make everything right again for his …show more content…

Later on in the book, he sacrificed his own life to save his loved ones. “...because i lie and sign myself to lie…” “...i am not worth the dust on my feet of them that to hang. How may i live without my name. I have given you my soul, leave me my name” This quote represents John when he didnt want to sign the paper because he didn’t want it to hang on the church door and leave his family with a bad name. In the beginning when John commited adultery with Abigailand gtot put in jail he lost his pride, trust, in many people. But when he ripped the paper many people includi g his wife saw that even tho its hard, he made the right choice. ‘He have goodness now. God forbid i take it frm him) (1112). By the end of the play John’s character has changed drasticlly. He became more truthful and a good man who was willing to give up anything for his

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