
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Satisfactory Essays

It is common knowledge that the play Romeo and Juliet ends in both characters deaths. While it may be initially thought that Romeo and Juliet caused their own deaths, the blame lies in adult figures of the play. If it weren’t for the actions of Friar Lawrence and Lord Capulet, neither Romeo nor Juliet would have died in the play, as Friar Lawrence executed the plan that led to Romeo and Juliet’s death, and Lord Capulet caused the plan to be necessary in the first place. Friar Lawrence formulated the plan that resulted in Romeo and Juliet’s death. He thought of it of it in a few moments after Juliet threatened to kill herself. Juliet was to drink a poison that would make her appear to be dead, yet she would wake up in a matter of days. Friar

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