
Who Was Alexander Hamilton A Social Activist

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Alexander Hamilton was born in January 11, 1755 or 1757. The exact date is unknown. He was born In Charlestown, St kitts,nevis.His parents were Rachel Faucett Lavien and James Hamilton. His mother was also married to another man, John Michael Lavine. She had been cast out of Mr. Levine's home for adultery. Hamilton's father, James Hamilton abandoned his family.He and his mother struggled to survive. Alexander Hamilton had a great intelligence and willingness to work.At age 11 He worked as a clerk at age 11.Hamilton was sent to America to study with Reverend Hugh Knox.When he was only 16 he went to king's college later named as Colombia.

As he went into politics as it got closer to the revolution. In 1775 Hamilton became part of the New

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