
Who Was Responsible For John Proctor's Death In The Crucible '

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Who is actually responsible for John Proctor’s death? The answer to that isn’t so cut and dry. There are alot of factors that lead up to causing Mr.Proctor’s death. Those factors are the affair he had, Abby williams, Mary Warren, John Proctor himself, Elizabeth, Parris, John’s children,and Mr.Danforth. John is, at the end of the day, the reason he’s dead. Everything else is what influenced him.
John really only has himself to blame for him dying, because he made the choice to turn from his wife and sleep with Abby. Abby thought John actually loved her, when in all reality she was just a fling. This caused tensions between John and his wife Elizabeth. John cannot forgive himself for what he’s done so the whole play he’s playing with the guilt inside of him. Later in the play Abby accuses Elizabeth of being a witch, with the alternative motive of her dying and Abby can be with John. This causes John to relay on Mary and go to court. John’s only hope to get her free was Mary Warren. The reason Mary Warren is a factor in John’s death was because she flipped on him and called him out as a witch in court which got him condemned. She put him in the position to lose his life. Her character has showed that she gives in when there is a chance she will get …show more content…

Mr.Danforth gave John a chance to sign a confession to save his life, but John wouldn’t let them post it in town for the sake of his kids. He told Mr.Danforth that his name was the only thing he had left and he had given Danforth his soul, then asked if it was enough. John didn’t want his kids to be looked down upon because he signed his confession. He tore up the confession and was finally ready to die for what he believed in. He was willing to die for his kids so they didn’t have to be looked down upon as the children of a

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