
Whole Woman's Health Vs Hellerstedt Case Study

Decent Essays

Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt This case is on a very touchy subject, abortion. Although many can argue both sides of why this topic is right or wrong it is unconstitutional to abolish it. Many women still received unsafe abortions when they were illegal, and that is worse than providing safe procedures. This case focuses on the safe procedure part of that argument, which in abortions today, the procedure is very safe. The state of Texas passed a law that required abortion clinic physicians to have admitting privileges within thirty miles(oyez). The other part of the law states that the clinic must also coincide with ambulatory surgical center standards. The people that were against this bill, petitioned that the law put an “undue burden” (Center for Reproductive Rights) on the women who were going to these places to receive abortions. The case was dismissed in the district court, and that dismissal was agreed with at the U.S. Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit. The House Bill would’ve required half of the …show more content…

The ruling was 5-3. This case is very close to home considering we live only one state away. Abortions are not performed in Arkansas, and the nearest one to the area that I live in, is about three hours away. The bill that Texas was trying to enforce against abortions was not only unconstitutional, but blatantly put a burden on women seeking their constitutional rights. If half of the state’s abortion clinics closed, it would only leave about seven or eight still open. There is no way that those clinics could keep up with the demand. Also, if this bill hadn’t had been dismissed by supreme court, other state’s legislation may have tried to follow suit, therefore putting even more burden on the women seeking abortions in the united states, and it is stated that this ruling will affect other states with similar

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