
Why Citizen Journalism Is Important

Satisfactory Essays

Information and news can be brought to us in many ways and not only through the 6pm news or the newspaper. Professionals are also not the only people that can give us news. Citizen journalism is public amateur people collecting and reporting news and information (Wall, 2015). There are many risks and opportunities that comes with citizen journalism. This essay will describe these risks and opportunities in detail and will also discuss what compels a citizen journalist, why citizen journalism is important and how it is on a rise and continue to grow. There are risks such as going to dangerous places and taking footage of horrific events and digging news from restricted areas, however citizen journalism also have opportunities like professional journalism can’t be everywhere at all the time and also everyone around the globe can read the news as aware of what is truly going on around the world. There are risks associated with almost everything in life and this includes citizen journalism which can be dangerous. An example of the danger includes videos of the horrific events occurring in the Middle East and North Korea. Events such as the innocent killings and unlawful acts. In these areas professional cameras and news teams are not allowed and are put in danger if they do so. As a result many of us are unaware of what is happening (Wall, 2015). Citizen journalists take these risks and provide the world first hand with the news and information from those restricted areas.

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