
Why Did Barry Bonds Use Steroids?

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When the controversial topic regarding performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is brought up, perhaps the most infamous case that comes to mind is that of the Barry Bonds doping scandal. For those who are unaware, heavy-hitter and San Francisco Giant left fielder Barry Bonds was indicted in 2007 for lying under oath about his use of steroids during his time playing Major League Baseball (MLB). Bonds is not alone, however, as the world of Major League Baseball has been laden with PED scandals for quite some time. A plethora of MLB athletes have been severely punished and scrutinized for partaking in the use of illegal performance-enhancing substances, but do they deserve the hate? If something can make an athlete perform better and make thus make …show more content…

It is these people who stand behind the notion that the utilization of illicit drugs takes away from the purity of the sport. Baseball players should be revered for their skills that are a result of hard work and dedication, not from the aid of quick shortcuts such as steroids. Some people say that Bonds took the easy way out and put up statistics that he did not necessarily earn, and it is for this reason why many think of his actions as immoral and unjust. Not to mention, but doping can also be extremely dangerous for an athlete’s health. Additionally, what kind of message does the use of steroids put out for the children who might look up at to this athlete as a role model? One could argue that a child could see a player such as Bonds doing so well in his career because of the drugs he took, and takeaway the idea that it is acceptable to cheat so long as it gets you to the top. The last argument against doping in baseball and sports altogether is that it establishes an uneven playing field. As, “athletes who choose not to use steroids are at an unfair advantage – most will be unable to compete at the same level as athletes who are using steroids” (Ashby, 2010). It is a culmination of the aforementioned reasons that led to Bonds leaving a bad taste in a lot of fan’s

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