
Why Did Rome Fall Essay

Decent Essays

For those of you who don’t know me, I am Edward Mai. I am here today to tell you about Rome’s fall. As all of us know, the Roman Empire, in which the time before it fell, thought it would last centuries more. Unfortunately, it slowly declined until it finally broke down. But, we will forever remember how Rome has affected us in our modern society with it’s legacies.

The fall of the Roman Empire happened slowly. There were many reasons for why Rome fell. One of the reasons say the empire was too big and there were not enough soldiers to guard the empire, some of which were not loyal because they did not want to be a part of Rome. Another reason says that Rome fell because citizens of Rome had to pay heavy taxes for the army, which made the economy weak. The taxes made many citizens go into poverty. Also, many Romans were unemployed. Small farmers could not keep up, so they tried to find jobs in the city, but there were still not enough jobs. A third reason to explain why Rome fell is that there was corruption and a decline in spirit of citizenship. Some emperors wasted large amounts of amounts …show more content…

One of Rome’s legacies was art. This art includes statues and mosaics. These forms of art can be found in many places. Another one of Rome’s legacies were their architectural features. These features included vaults and domes. You can see domes in many buildings, along with vaults. A different legacy of Rome was their engineering achievements. These achievements included roads (and many others, but I do not think these contributed as much). Roads are almost everywhere. A fourth legacy of Rome was numbers, a language, and ways to measure time. Sometimes, Roman numerals are used in place of numbers. English is also heavily based on Latin. The fifth legacy of Rome was their law. Their law covered many things, such as marriages, inheritances, and contracts between people as well as countless other areas of daily

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