
Why Did The Teacher Stay Back?

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Attention Getter: A group of university lecturers in Africa boarded an airplane heading to a conference.The flight attendant announced; ladies and gentle welcome aboard flight 4N3 to Egypt. Be informed that an African graduate built this aircraft. Before she would finish, the plane emptied with only one professor left.
This incident raised a couple of questions (1) why did people exit the plane? Also, (2) why did the teacher stay back? Which brings us to our topic of discussion “Education in Africa.”

Credibility Statement
Education in Africa currently has a little or no place in the global world of education. The highest ranked university in Africa (University of Cape Town, South Africa) is at the 148th place in the …show more content…

Students lack resource and success centers.
No computer libraries.
One lecturer teaches more than two subjects.

Crises: Africa as a continent has experienced many crises that have severely affected her education standard. These crises range from civil war, inter-religious conflicts, and terrorist attacks.
On April 15, 2014, over 250 female students were taken from a Secondary School in the town of Chibok in Borno State, Nigeria by Boko Haram, an extremist and terrorist organization based in northeastern Nigeria.
We also cannot forget the ongoing civil war and terrorism attacks by ISIS in Libya that started since February 17, 2011, which has not just displaced families but also has challenged the educational standard of the country.

The government’s actions and failure to invest in the education sector has prevalently been the cause of poor learning environment and the weaknesses that exist among educational instructors which can lead to civil unrest.
During these crises, many types of equipment and facilities used in the education department of Africa becomes damaged.

How to Resolve the Problems Faced by African Education Sector.
For African continent to gain a place in the global educational sector, some measure has to be taking; such as adequate funding of educational sector, improvement of security and morality.
Adequate Funding
The government and all well to do organizations in the continent should put hands on deck to ensure

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