
Why Did The Us Go To War With Mexico Dbq

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In 1821, when Mexico gained their freedom from Spain, they invited American settlers to move to the province of Texas, but there were many conflicts over laws. Texas decided to rebel from Mexico by fighting for their independence, and in 1836 when the Texans won, they applied for annexation to the United States. Out of respect for Mexico, the United States said no at first. Nine years later, in 1845 the United States congress voted to let Texas join the the United States, but Mexico was not happy about this as they believed that there were different borders, and that they still owned part of Texas. With a threat of them being attacked, United States troops were sent to protect the real Texas borders from Mexico, but there they were met and attacked by Mexican soldiers. The United States was justified in going …show more content…

There are many reasons as to why the United States was right to go to war with Mexico. For one reason, United States needed the land much more than Mexico did due to their growing population. Accordingly, in Document A it was said of the United States, “the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” What this means is that the United States was in great need for land as their population was increasing rapidly; while Mexico was holding on to something that they did not need. For another reason, war with Mexico was justified because Mexico was first to invade and attack the United States troops; not the other way around. In Document B this is supported when it says, “Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil.” This is talking about how United States troops went to protect the borders of Texas, but stayed on the Texas side of the Rio Grande. Mexican soldiers crossed the river to attack the soldiers and even killed 16 of the United States soldiers. This justifies the United States going to war because when they tried to be peaceful, Mexico did something to challenge the

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